About leo32345.com

Site info

This site is a personal site.
It was registered on Saturday, Feb 27, 2021 (GMT).

About the creator of the site

I am Leo (obviously).
I code websites, go swimming, and draw in my free time.
I am also a privacy geek and know how to do things that most people don't know about, for example, "inspecting" websites.

What will be on this site

This site will have fun things made with HTML, and more.
In short, there will be lots of stuff here, each unique and fun in its own way.


I would like to thank Rafael M. for helping me create this website.
Without him, this website wouldn't exist, because I would not know how to make it and I wouldn't have the determination to make it.

Our simple privacy policy

Our privacy policy is the best and most simple one out there.
Our website has absolutely zero 3rd party cookies (which track you).
By using this site, you don't have to agree to anything because there is nothing in terms of privacy that could spark a lawsuit here.